Campus Safety & Security

As you further your education we are committed to fostering an environment that will support your success.

Report an issue

SafeUT reports related to MTECH get routed directly to our security office and it is a great resource for crisis counseling.

Security alert line

Contact the alert line to report any suspicious activity, request an MTECH First responder, or report any on-campus incident.

Security Alert Line


Additional Security Team Contacts

Lehi & Heber Valley Campuses

Jake Haggerty

Orem Campus

Adam Kallas

Provo Campus

Michael Cassleman

Spanish Fork Campus

Teddy Howard

Campus Safety and Security Resources

Everyone has a responsibility for campus safety and security by reporting, complying, and participating. The Campus Security organization consists of a layered security infrastructure and several volunteer response teams including; the Emergency Operations Team, Crisis Intervention Team, Evacuation Team, Threat Assessment Team and Safety Committee.


All vehicles parked on campus require a parking permit. You can acquire a parking pass in all MTECH Bookstores or at Student Services. See the MTECH Parking page for more information.

Campus Crime Report

In this annual report, Mountainland Technical College (MTECH) provides information regarding the frequency of crimes committed on its campuses and policies and procedures designed to combat crime and strengthen security for the four most recent calendar years. The report includes current policies and procedures for students and employees to report a crime, a list of the titles of those to whom a crime is reported, the College’s relationship with local and state police agencies, a statement of the drug and alcohol policies, the type and frequency of programs designed to provide information on campus security procedures and policies, information on crime prevention and on sexual assault programs and support and procedures regarding sexual assaults.

The Campus Security Act of 1990 requires a school to compile and distribute an annual campus security report detailing the number and types of crimes committed on each Title IV eligible campus. This report complies with the requirements of the “Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act.” This information is published yearly by October 1. Paper reports are available upon request from the MTECH office of Security.

Information regarding reported safety and crime statistics for Mountainland Technical Colleges can be found in the MTECH Security Report 2024.

Title IX

Title IX is a federal civil rights passed as part of the Education Amendments of 1972. This protects people from discrimination based on sex in education programs or activities that receive Federal financial assistance.
In response to the new Title IX regulation from the U.S. Department of Education, Mountainland Technical College will discontinue previous Title IX policies and procedures and adopt the new standards outlined by U.S Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos in all Title IX cases, beginning August 14th, 2020.
If there are any questions, or if are in need of assistance navigating a Title IX compliance situation, please contact MTECH’s Title IX Coordinator, Lynn Adams at

Non-Discrimination Statement

Mountainland Technical College does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, disability or age in its programs and activities. The following person has been designated to handle inquiries regarding nondiscrimination policies: Title IX Coordinator, Lynn Adams at

Health and Safety

Emergency Operations Plan (EOP)

The purpose of the MTECH Emergency Operations Plan is to establish guidelines, procedures, and an organizational structure for response to emergencies and disasters occurring on campus (including all MTECH campuses). Click here to view

Health and Safety Plan

MTECH takes reasonable precautions to provide a safe and secure environment for people, facilities, equipment, and property. This plan is intended to promote a safe, secure, and healthy learning and work environment. This plan outlines the protocol for the management of the safety and health of employees, students, and visitors in cases of accident, illness, emergencies, evacuation, fire, natural disasters, and threats to safety and security. Click here to view

Concealed Weapons on Campus

Mountainland Technical College complies with state law with regard to weapons on campus. Utah state law clearly states that a person may not possess a dangerous weapon, firearm, or sawed-off shot gun on school premises (Utah Code 76-10-505.5) except under certain conditions. One of these exceptions indicates that this criminal statute is not applicable if the person is authorized to possess a concealed firearm as provided by the Concealed Weapon Law. MTECH abides by this law and accordingly allows concealed firearm permit holders to possess their concealed firearm on campus.

There is nothing specifically set forth in the Utah statutes that allows a concealed firearm permit holder to carry that firearm openly on a college campus. State statute defines a concealed dangerous weapon as being covered, hidden, or secured in a manner that the public would not be aware of its presence (Utah Code 76-10-501). As an institution, MTECH respects the right of its students and others to legally carry a concealed firearm under those parameters, as outlined by state law.

Behavioral Intervention Team (BIT Team)

With students facing high levels of stress in their lives, faculty and staff may encounter students whose behaviors are concerning, disruptive, or threatening towards themselves or others. To respond to the safety needs of the campus, MTECH has established the Behavioral Intervention Team (BIT).

What Does BIT Do?

BIT’s primary function is to help keep the MTECH community safe and connect
distressed students to support services. BIT seeks prevention rather than reacting to
students in distress. In doing this, BIT:

  • Gathers and manages reported information from concerned faculty and staff
  • Assesses the level of threat a student’s behavior poses
  • Intervenes with students and connects them to support services
  • Provides faculty and staff with support and intervention resources
  • Makes referrals to Campus Security and MTECH Administration
  • Disseminates relevant information to local police

The Role of BIT

BIT is intended to provide resources and assistance to students and is generally not a
disciplinary referral. BIT hopes to intervene before students act in ways that require
disciplinary action.

The role of BIT is to help students succeed. Support may take many forms,
such as an email, a meeting with MTECH Counselors, or other actions appropriate for
that specific question.

BIT attempts to measure generalized risk, mental and behavioral health, and
aggression to determine the need for intervention. Generalized risk includes harm to
facilities, reputation, finances, etc. Mental and behavioral health-related risks include
harm to self.
