Faculty Directory

Jeffrey Erickson, Program Coordinator
Full Time
High School Diploma, Associate of Applied Science in Electrical Automation and Robotics Technology
Singapore American School, Utah Valley University
Employee photo Kiele Lee
Kiele Lee
Full Time
High School Diploma, Automated Manufacturing Certification, FANUC Robot Operator Instructor Certification
Pleasant Grove High School, Mountainland Technical College
Employee photo Daniel Nelson
Daniel Nelson
Full Time
High School Diploma
Timpview High School
Employee photo Michael Hosmer
Michael Hosmer
Part Time
General Education Diploma, Automated Manufacturing Certification, Precision Machining Certification
Idaho Department of Education, Mountainland Technical College
Matt Zufelt, Program Coordinator
Full Time
High School Diploma, ASE Master Automobile Technician Certification, General Motors Service Certification, Wheeled Vehicle Mechanic Certification
American Fork High School, Service Technical College, United States Army Ordnance Center and Schools
David Simmons
Full Time
Associate of Science, ASE Master Automobile Technician Certification, General Motors Service Certification
Utah Valley Community College, Service Technical College
Employee photo Judd Statham
Judd Statham
Full Time
High School Diploma, ASE Master Automobile Technician Certification
Lehi High School
Image of Robert Lohner, Instructor
Robert Lohner
Full Time
Bachelor of Science, Associate of Applied Science in Automotive Technology, ASE Automobile Technician Certification
Brigham Young University, Utah Valley Community College
John Hyde
Part Time
High School Diploma, Auto Mechanics Certification
Springville High School, Utah Technical College at Provo
Jay Hales
Part Time
Bachelor of Science in Technology Education, Master of Arts in Education, ASE Master Automobile Certification
Southern Utah University, University of Phoenix
SuAnn Bird, AHA Coordinator, EMT Instructor
Part Time
High School Diploma, EMS Instructor Certification, EMS Course Coordinator Certification
Pleasant Grove High School
Zackery Prior, Course Coordinator
Part Time
High School Diploma, EMS Certification
Spanish Fork High School
Image of Andrew Henry Layne, Instructor
Andrew “Henry” Layne
Part Time
High School Diploma, EMT Certification
Skyridge High School, Mountainland Technical College
Image of Morgyn Stockwell, Instructor
Morgyn Stockwell
Part Time
High School Diploma, BLS Certification, EMT Certification
Skyridge High School, National Registry of EMT
Image of Jaycee Erickson, Instructor
Jaycee Erickson
Part Time
High School Diploma, EMS Instructor Certification, EMT Certification, BLS Certification
Landmark High School, Mountainland Technical College
Image of Mallory Hanks, Instructor
Mallory Hanks
Part Time
High School Diploma, Medical Certification
Salem Hills High School
Image of Michael Nielson, Instructor
Michael Nielsen
Part Time
High School Diploma, EMT Certification, AEMT Certification, BLS Certification, FEMA Certification, ALS Certification
Master Academy
Image of Rosaura Serrano Soto, Instructor
Rosaura Serrano Soto
Part Time
Administrative Computing Licensure, BLS Certification, CNA Certification, EMT Licensure, Phlebotomy Certification
Autonomous University of Mexico State, Mountainland Applied Technology College
Image of Derek Sorensen, Instructor
Derek Sorensen
Part Time
Bachelor of Science in Emergency Services Administration - Emergency Care Emphasis
Utah Valley University
Emma Peterson
Part Time
Bachelor of Science in Health Promotion and Education, BLS Certification, EMT Certification
University of Utah
Image of Talia Sanchez, Instructor
Talia Sanchez
Part Time
High School Diploma, EMT Certification
Kohala High School
Image of Samantha Stevenson, Instructor
Samantha Stevenson
Part Time
High School Diploma, BLS Instructor Certification
Beaumont High School
Employee photo Randy Reid
Randy Reid, Program Lead
Full Time
General Education Diploma, Class A CDL Licensure, CDL 3rd Party Testing Certification
Utah DOE, Todd's CDL Service, Mountainland Applied Technology College
Tony Halsey
Full Time
Bachelor of Science
Brigham Young University
Image of Justin Turner, Instructor
Justin Turner
Full Time
High School Diploma, Defensive Driver Certification
Pleasant Grove High School
Employee photo Shelly Merryweather
Shelley Merryweather, Senior Program Coordinator
Full TIme
High School Diploma, Cosmetology Instructor Licensure
Orem High School
Employee photo Darlene Durrant
Darlene Durrant, Associate Director of Programs
Full Time
Associate in Science, Cosmetology Instructor Licensure
Utah Valley University
Kristi Nelson
Full Time
High School Diploma, Cosmetology Instructor Licensure
Timpview High School, Mountainland Applied Tech College
Marissa Anderson
Full Time
High School Diploma, Cosmetology Instructor Licensure
William Blount High School, Mountainland Technical College
Natalie Louder
Full Time
High School Diploma, Cosmetology Instructor Licensure
Alta High School
Employee photo Jentry Cody
Jentry Cody
Full Time
High School Diploma, Cosmetology Instructor Licensure
Tintic High School, Mountainland Technical College
Michelle Peck
Full Time
High School Diploma, Cosmetology Instructor Licensure
Lehi High School, The Forum Academy of Cosmetology
Image of Allison Pflueger, Instructor
Allison Pflueger
Part Time
High School Diploma, Cosmetology Instructor Licensure
Lone Peak High School, Mountainland Technical College
Employee photo Lindsay Barney
Lindsay Barney
Part Time
High School Diploma, Cosmetology Instructor Licensure
Timpview High School, Mountainland Technical College
Employee photo Wendy Johnson
Wendy Johnson
Part Time
Associate of Science, Cosmetology Instructor Licensure
Utah Valley Community College
Tammy Rebollo
Part Time
High School Diploma, Cosmetology Instructor Licensure
American Fork High School
Sue Remkes
Part Time
High School Diploma, Cosmetology Instructor Licensure
Provo High School
Employee photo Rachel Huriavi
Rachel Huriavi
Part Time
High School Diploma, Bachelor of Science in Web Design and Development, Cosmetology Instructor Licensure
Payson High School, Brigham Young University - Idaho
Employee photo Michelle Eberhard
Michelle Eberhard
Part Time
High School Diploma, Cosmetology Instructor Licensure
Jordan High School, Mountainland Technical College
Employee photo Kirsten Tucker
Kirsten Tucker
Part Time
High School Diploma, Cosmetology Instructor Licensure
Skyline High School, Echelon Edge Academy of Hair
Employee photo Jennie Godwin
Jennie Godwin
Part Time
Associate of Science, Cosmetology Instructor License
Utah Valley State College, Mountainland Technical College
Cassidy Jones
Part Time
High School Diploma, Cosmetology Instructor Licensure
Payson High School
Rita Hampton
Part Time
High School Diploma, Cosmetology Instructor Licensure
Paradise Valley High School
Employee photo Jennifer Anthony
Jennifer Anthony
Part Time
High School Diploma, Cosmetology Instructor Licensure
Lehi High School, Mountainland Technical College
Image of Erin Bell, instructor
Erin Bell
Part Time
High School Diploma, Cosmetology Instructor Licensure
Lone Peak High School, The Forum Academy of Cosmetology & Aesthetics
Ashley Folks
Part Time
GED Diploma, Cosmetology Instructor Licensure
North San Pete High School, Mountainland Technical College, American Beauty Academy
Michelle Endicott
Part Time
High School Diploma, Cosmetologist Instructor Licensure
Miller Place High School, Mountainland Technical College
Employee photo Samantha Kennicott
Samantha Kennicott
Part Time
High School Diploma, Cosmetology Instructor Licensure
Murray High School
Katie Archibald
Part Time
High School Diploma, Cosmetologist Instructor Licensure
Chaparral High School, Euphoria Institute of Beauty Arts and Sciences, Mountainland Technical College
Eleah Coral
Part Time
High School Diploma, Cosmetology Instructor Licensure
Springville High School, Mountainland Technical College
Image of Emmalie Davies (Black), Instructor
Emmalie Davies
Part Time
High School Diploma, Associate in Science, Cosmetology Instructor Licensure
Payson High School, Utah Valley University, Mountainland Applied Technology College
Image of Meshelle Merkley, Instructor
Meshelle Merkley
Part Time
Associate Degree in Arts and Sciences, Cosmetology Instructor Licensure, Cosmetology Licensure
Ricks College, Paul Mitchell School of Beauty & Cosmetology
Samantha Smith
Part Time
GED Diploma, Cosmetology Instructor Licensure, Cosmetology Licensure
Alpine School District, Mountainland Technical College, Taylor Andrews Academy of Hair Design
Image of Burgon Blackner, instructor
Burgon Blackner
Part Time
High School Diploma, Cosmetology Instructor Licensure, Cosmetology Licensure
Lone Peak High School, Mountainland Technical College
Image of Sandra Atkinson, Instructor
Sandra Atkinson
Part Time
High School Diploma, Cosmetology Instructor Licensure, Cosmetology Licensure, Beauty Makeup Artistry Certification
Provo High School, Mountainland Technical College, Taylor Andrews Academy of Hair Design
Jana Nordfelt
Part Time
High School Diploma, Cosmetology Instructor Licensure
Granger High School
Employee photo Melissa Southwick
Melissa Southwick
Part Time
Associate of Science, Cosmetology Instructor Licensure
Utah Valley University
Anthony Huntington, Program Coordinator
Full Time
High School Diploma, Business Management Training, Hospitality Management Training, ServSafe Instructor Licensure
Skyline High School, Utah Valley State College
Employee photo Kathy Hall
Kathy Hall
Full Time
High School Diploma, ServeSafe Certification, Culinary Arts II Certificate
Provo High School
Employee photo Megan Wright
Megan Lewis
Full Time
Bachelor of Science in Hospitality and Tourism Management, Culinary Arts Certification
Brigham Young University Hawaii, Scottsdale Community College
Kathryn Paxman
Part Time
High School Diploma, Culinary Arts Certification
Brighton High School, Mountainland Technical College
Tyler Judson, Program Lead
Full Time
High School Diploma, Certified Associate Welding Inspector (CAWI)
Timpanogos High School
Image of Moses Kaumatule, Program Lead
Moses Kaumatule, Program Lead
Full Time
High School Diploma, Web Development Certification
Brigham High School, Devmountain
Julie Francis, Senior Program Coordinator
Full Time
High School Diploma, Preventative Functions Dental Assisting Certification, Dental Assisting Certification
Provo High School
Judy Telfer
Full Time
High School Diploma, Dental Assisting Certification, First Aid CPE AED Certification, BLS Certification
Logan High School
Sharilyn Eldredge
Full Time
High School Diploma, Dental Assisting Certification, Orthodontic Assisting Certification
Provo High School, Dental Careers Institute
Image of Christi Millen, Instructor
Christi Millen, Clinic & Externship Instructor
Full Time
Dental Assisting Certification
Provo College
Mary Walker
Full Time
High School Diploma, Dental Assisting Certification
Burley High School, The American Institute of Health Technology
McCall Catmull
Part Time
High School Diploma, Dental Assisting Certification
American Fork High School
Natalie Jones
Part Time
High School Diploma, BLS Certification, Dental Assisting Certification
Wasatch High School
Image of Kelsey Meier, instructor
Kelsey Meier
Part Time
High School Diploma, Dental Assisting Certification
Orem High School, Mountainland Applied Technology College
Image of Sarah Lindley, Instructor
Sarah Lindley-Mair
Part Time
High School Diploma, Dental Radiology Certification, Dental Assisting Certification, BLS Certification
Wasatch High School, Dexis, Mountainland Technical College
Image of Britany Schultz, Instructor
Britney Schultz
Part Time
High School Diploma
Mountain View High School
Nathan Collings, Program Coordinator
Full Time
High School Diploma, Diesel Technician Certification, ASE Master Technician Certification
Lehi High School, Mountainland Applied Technology College
Employee photo Tyson Dailey
Tyson Dailey
Full Time
High School Diploma, ASE Master Technician Certification
Bonneville High School
Jeffery Wood
Full Time
General Education Diploma, Diesel Technology Certification
New York State Education, Mountainland Technical College
Marcy Johnson
Full Time
General Education Diploma, Associate of Diesel Mechanics Technology
Laramie County Community College, Utah Valley University
Brandon Anderson, Program Coordinator
Full Time
Bachelor of Science in Business Management
Utah Valley University
Image of Alex Skinner, Instructor
Alex Skinner
Full Time
Bachelor of Arts in Communications
Brigham Young University
Rod Pettingill
Part Time
Master of Business Administration in Global Management
Thunderbird School of Global Management
Employee photo Ryan Davis
Ryan Davis, Program Lead
Full Time
BFA Media Arts & Animation
Art Institute of Colorado
Karl Beckstrand
Part Time
Masters of Arts in International Relations and Conflict Resolution
American Public University
Chad German, Program Coordinator
Full Time
High School Diploma, Master Electrician Licensure
Granger High School
Employee photo Kyle Smith
Kyle Smith
Full Time
High School Diploma, Residential Master Electrician Licensure
Mountain Crest High School
Thomas Stromberg
Full Time
High School Diploma, Master Electrician Licensure
Bountiful High School, Davis Applied Technology College
Tom Otterstrom
Full Time
High School Diploma, Journeyman Electrician Licensure
Spanish Fork High School
Employee photo Carlton Pukahi
Carlton Pukahi
Part Time
Associate of Arts and Sciences, Residential Journeyman Electrician Licensure
Brigham Young University - Hawaii, Mountainland Technical College
Brian Young
Part Time
High School Diploma, Journeyman Electrician Licensure
Granger High School
Image of Charles Bartlett, Instructor
Charles Bartlett
Part Time
Associates Degree of Science in Music, Bachelors Degree of Music in Commercial Music, Journeyman Electrician Licensure
Utah Valley University, Mountainland Applied Technology College
Employee photo Gary Wasden
Gary Wasden
Part Time
Bachelor of Science, Journeyman Electrician Licensure
Brigham Young University
Weston White
Part Time
High School Diploma, Journeyman Electrician Licensure
Spanish Fork High School, Utah Valley University
Image of Mark Robbins, Instructor
Mark Robbins
Part Time
Associate of Applied Science in Electrical Auto Robotic Tech
Utah Valley University
Employee photo Andres Diaz
Andres Diaz Socorro
Part Time
Electrical Engineering with Automation and Control Degree
Dr. Rafael Belloso Chacin University
David Gee
Part Time
Associate of Science, Journeyman Electrician Licensure
Utah Valley State College, Mountainland Technical College
Employee photo Kelly Larsen
Kelly Larsen
Part Time
Bachelor of Arts, Journeyman Electrician Licensure
Regent University
Brent Garner
Part Time
High School Diploma, Master Electrician Licensure
Payson High School
Fillerup, Carson
Carson Fillerup
Part Time
High School Diploma, Journeyman Electrician Licensure
Salem Hills High School
Tyler Clark
Part Time
High School Diploma, Electrical Apprenticeship Licensure
Provo High School, Mountainland Technical College
Jaron Garner
Part Time
High School Diploma, Journeyman Electrician Licensure
American Leadership Academy, Mountainland Technical College
Alex Collings
Part Time
High School Diploma, Apprentice Electrician Licensure
Springville High School
Employee photo Blaze Green
Blaze Green
Part Time
High School Diploma, Apprentice Electrician Licensure
Merrill High School
Employee photo Colton Engle
Colton Engle
Part Time
High School Diploma, Apprentice Electrician Licensure
Spanish Fork High School, Mountainland Technical College
Employee photo Trever Parker
Trever Parker
Part Time
Associate in Applied Science in Electrical Automation and Robotics Technology, Residential Journeyman Electrician
Utah Valley University
Image of Zachary Branham, Instructor
Zackery Branham
Part Time
General Education Diploma, Apprentice Electrician Licensure
Chemiketa Community College, College of Eastern Idaho, Mountainland Technical College
Employee photo Marco Albrecht
Marco Albrecht, Senior Program Coordinator
Full Time
High School Diploma, BLS Instructor Certification, EMS Course Coordinator Certification
Jordan High School
SuAnn Bird, AHA Coordinator, EMT Instructor
Part Time
High School Diploma, EMS Instructor Certification, EMS Course Coordinator Certification
Pleasant Grove High School
Bailey Lloyd, Course Coordinator
Full Time
High School Diploma, EMS Course Coordinator Certification, EMS Instructor Certification
American Fork High School
Nathan Joos, Course Coordinator
Full Time
Associate in Science, EMS Course Coordinator Certification, EMS Instructor Certification
Utah Valley State College
Tammy Graham, Course Coordinator
Part Time
High School Diploma, BLS Instructor Certification, EMS Course Coordinator Certification
Wasatch High School
Image of Crystal Taylor, Course Coordinator
Crystal Taylor, Course Coordinator
Part Time
High School Diploma, EMS Instructor Certification, BLS Certification
Riverton High School
Image of Rachael Valladolid, Course Coordinator
Rachael Valladolid, Course Coordinator
Part Time
Bachelor of Science in Elementary Education, EMS Instructor Certification, AEMT Certification
Brigham Young University - Hawaii
Image of Michael Bullock, Course Coordinator
Michael Bullock, Course Coordinator
Part Time
Master of Business Administration, BLS Instructor Certification, EMS Course Coordinator Certification
The University of Phoenix
Image of Jaycee Erickson, instructor
Jaycee Erickson, Course Coordinator
Part Time
High School Diploma, EMS Instructor Certification, EMT Certification, BLS Certification
Landmark High School, Mountainland Technical College
Image of Gilbert "Jed" Olsen, Instructor
Gilbert Olsen
Part Time
High School Diploma, ACLS Certification, AEMT Certification, EMS Instructor Certification
Wasatch High School
Jeffrey Heinz, Program Lead
Full Time
Masters in Business Administration, Civil Engineer Management Craftsman Certification, HVAC Pneumatic Control Systems Technology Certification
Wayland Baptist University, The United States Airforce
Jim Monsen
Part Time
High School Diploma, Combustion Analysis Certification, International Ground Source Heat Pump Association
Orem High School, Benchmark of Technical Education, International Ground Source Heat Pump Association
Larry Johnson
Part Time
Associate of Science in Refrigeration & Air Conditioning, Type-I Type-II Technician Certification
Utah Valley University, Refrigeration Service Engineers Society
Kevin Fadely
Part Time
High School Diploma, Refrigerant Transition and Recovery Certification, Air Conditioning & Refrigeration Technology Diploma
Dixie High School, Utah Valley State College
Image of Brandon Warner, Instructor
Brandon Warner
Part Time
High School Diploma, EPA Certification, RMGA Gas Technician Certification
Sheridan High School
Employee photo Christopher Sullivan
Christopher Sullivan
Part Time
Bachelor of Science in Business Management and Marketing, Universal Technician Certification, NATF Certification
The University of Phoenix
Image of David Lund, Instructor
David Lund
Part Time
Associate of Applied Science in Apprenticeship & Independent Electrical, HVAC Trades Diploma, Natural Gas Technician Certification
Salt Lake Community College, Fortis College, Rocky Mountain Gas Association
Image of Tim Hunt, Program Coordinator
Tim Hunt, Program Coordinator
Full Time
GED Diploma, Security Pro Certification, Network Pro Certification
California State Department of Education, TestOut
James Harward
Full Time
High School Diploma
Spanish Fork High School
Devan Lawrence
Full Time
GED Diploma, Information Technology Technician Certification
Utah State Board of Education, Mountainland Technical College
Employee photo Richard Dougan
Richard Dougan
Part Time
Associate in Science, PC Pro Certification, IC3 Certification, Microsoft Technology Associate Certifications
Utah Valley State College
Employee photo Douglas Webb
Douglas Webb
Part Time
High School Diploma
South Lakes High School
Employee photo Max Khounnoraj
Max Khounnoraj
Part Time
Bachelor of Science in Cloud Technologies, CompTIA Network+ & Security+ Certification
Full Sail University
Corey Bates, Program Lead
Full Time
Associate of Applied Science in Machine Tool Technology
Utah Valley University
Gavin Miller
Full Time
High School Diploma, CNC Machining Certification
Springville High School, Mountainland Technical College
Todd Christensen
Full Time
High School Diploma
Payson High School
Employee photo Glen Foster
Glen Foster
Part Time
High School Diploma
Harry Ells High School
Employee photo Shae Jones
Shae Jones
Part Time
High School Diploma, CNC Machining Certificate
Payson High School
Deborah Romero, Senior Program Coordinator
Full Time
Associate in Arts, Medical Assistant Certification
Utah Valley State College
Gabby Warren, Clinical Coordinator
Full Time
High School Diploma, Medical Assistant Certification
Westlake High School, Mountainland Technical College
Leann Payne
Full Time
GED, Medical Assistant Certification
Utah State Board of Education, Everest College
Leslie Ekker
Full Time
Bachelor of Arts in Social Sciences and History, Medical Assistant Certification
Southern Utah University, American Medical Technologies
Shelbey Humes
Full Time
Associate in Applied Science in Healthcare Services, Medical Assistant Certification
Utah Valley University, Mountainland Technical College
Shelly Curtis
Full Time
High School Diploma, Medical Assistant Certification
Springville High School, Stevens-Henager College of Business
Aimee Lewis, Clinical Coordinator
Full Time
Bachelor of Arts, Medical Assistant Certification
Brigham Young University
Kessa Newey
Full Time
Associate of Science, Medical Assistant Certification
Snow College, Mountainland Technical College
Raylene Custer
Part Time
High School Diploma, Medical Assistant Certification
Lehi High School, Stevens-Henager College of Business
Satchell Menendez
Part Time
High School Diploma, Medical Assistant Certification
Skyridge High School
Image of Mary Salmeron-Mendoza, Instructor
Mary Salmeron-Mendoza
Part Time
High School Diploma, Medical Assistant Certification
Maple Mountain High School, Mountainland Technical College
Britney Black
Part Time
High School Diploma, Medical Assistant Certification
Skyridge High School, Mountainland Technical College
Image of Jocelyn Bryant, Instructor
Jocelyn Bryant
Part Time
High School Diploma, Medical Assistant Certification
American Fork High School, Mountainland Technical College
Emily Haskell, Program Coordinator
Full Time
High School Diploma, Professional Coder Certification, Evaluation and Management Coder Certification
Gregory-Portland High School, AAPC
Deena Horton
Full Time
Bachelor of Science in Geography, Evaluation and Management Coder Certification, Professional Biller and Coder Certification
Brigham Young University, AAPC
Employee photo Angela Bartlett
Angela Bartlett
Part Time
GED Diploma, Emergency Department Coder Certification, Medical Billing and Coding Certification
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Department of Education, AAPC, Mountainland Technical College
Image of Jane (Justin) Madsen, Program Lead
Jane Madsen, Program Lead
Full Time
Bachelor of Arts in English Teaching, Mobile Development Certification
Brigham Young University, Mountainland Technical College
Austin Hesterly
Part Time
Associate of Science in General Studies
Brigham Young University - ID
Benjamin Patch
Part Time
High School Diploma
American Heritage School
Employee photo Kevin Ray
Kevin Ray
Part Time
Bachelor of Science in Computer Science
The University of Utah
Employee photo Michael Collier
Michael Collier
Part Time
High School Diploma, Bachelor of Science in Biology
Alta High School, Brigham Young University
Employee photo Nathan Lambson
Nathan Lambson
Part Time
Bachelor of Science in Computer Science
Brigham Young University
Employee photo Parker Rushton
Parker Rushton
Part Time
Bachelor of Music in Music Performance
Brigham Young University
Ryan Plitt
Part Time
High School Diploma, Associate of Science
Riverton High School, Salt Lake Community College
Employee photo Toby Youngberg
Toby Youngberg
Part Time
Bachelor of Science in Information Systems
Brigham Young University - ID
Employee Photo Matthew McMurry
Matthew McMurry
Part Time
Bachelor of Science in Computer Information Technology
Brigham Young University - Idaho
Megan “Mo” Eccles
Part Time
Bachelor of Science in Art, Cosmetology Licensure, Nail Technician Licensure
Southern Utah University, Mountainland Technical College
Victoria Tooke
Part Time
High School Diploma, Nail Technician Instructor Licensure
Timpanogos High School, Mountainland Technical College
Tiffany Haggerty, Senior Program Coordinator
Full Time
Bachelor of Science in Nursing, RN Licensure, First Aid Certification
Weber State University, Mountainland Technical College
Cindy Bradford
Full Time
Associate of Science in Nursing, LPN Licensure, Professional Educator Licensure
Weber State University, Utah Valley State College, The Utah State Board of Education
Jami Orgill
Full Time
Associate of Applied Science in Nursing, RN Licensure
Weber State University
Arlis Svedin
Full Time
Associate of Science in Practical Nursing
Utah Technical College
Kandice Johnson, Clinical Coordinator
Part Time
High School Diploma, BLS Certification, Medical Assistant Certification
Westlake High School, Mountainland Technical College
Christie Metcalf
Part Time
Bachelor of Science in Nursing, RN Licensure
University of Utah
Pauline Day
Part Time
Practical Nursing Certification
Utah Technical College
Image of Madeline El Halta, Instructor
Mandy El Halta
Part Time
High School Diploma, Bachelor of Arts in Liberal Arts and Sciences, LPN Licensure, BLS Licensure
Saugus High School, Utah State University
Image of Brianna Hansen, Instructor
Brianna Hansen
Part Time
Bachelor of Science in Nursing, RN Licensure
The University of Utah
Rachel A. Williams
Part Time
Bachelor of Science in Nursing, Master of Science in Nursing, RN License
Weber State University
Employee photo Mandi Connelly
Mandi Connelly, Senior Program Coordinator
Full Time
Associate in Science, Pharmacy Technician Licensure
Utah Valley University, Salt Lake Community College
Sandi Cannedy
Full Time
Associate in Science, Pharmacy Technician Licensure
Utah Valley University, Mountainland Technical College
Jordyn Olsen
Full Time
High School Diploma, Pharmacy Technician Licensure
Westlake High School, Mountainland Technical College
Image of Dlaney Finley, Instructor
D’laney Finley
Part Time
High School Diploma, Pharmacy Technician Certification
Juab High School, Mountainland Technical College
Cody Baird, Program Lead
Full Time
Associate of Science Degree, Medical Assistant Certification, Phlebotomy Technician Certification
Snow College, Mountainland Technical College
Image of Jordan Stowe, Instructor
Jordan Stowe
Part Time
High School Diploma, Phlebotomy Certification
Lone Peak High School, Mountainland Technical College
Natalie Southam
Part Time
High School Diploma, Phlebotomy Technician Certification
Pleasant Grove High School
Patricia Walker
Part Time
High School Diploma, Phlebotomy Technician Certification
Mountainview High School
John Halcrow, Program Coordinator
Full Time
High School Diploma, Journeyman Plumber Licensure
Orem High School
Jerod Galyean
Full Time
High School Diploma, Apprentice Plumber license
Dove Creek High School, Mountaindland Technical College
Image of Trevor Hansen, Instructor
Trevor Hansen
Part Time
High School Diploma, Journeyman Plumber Licensure
Bear River High School, Mountainland Technical College
AJ Neerings
Part Time
Associate of Applied Science Degree in Drafting, Master Plumber Licensure
Utah Valley University
Dustin Jack
Part Time
High School Diploma, Residential Master Plumber Licensure
Lehi High School, Mountainland Technical College
Employee photo Nicholas Ovard
Nick Ovard
Part Time
High School Diploma, Journeyman Plumber Licensure
Pleasant Grove High School
Employee photo Robert Baxter
Robert Baxter
Part Time
High School Diploma, Master Plumber Licensure
Cardston High School, Utah Valley University
Employee photo James Spain
James Spain
Part Time
GED, Journeyman Plumber Licensure
Texas State Education
Employee photo Justin Christensen
Justin Christensen
Part Time
High School Diploma, Master Plumber Licensure
Payson High School
Ron Cole
Part Time
Bachelor of Arts in Management of Human Resources, Master Plumber Licensure
Southern Nazarene University
Image of Jacob Beard, instructor
Jacob Beard
Part Time
High School Diploma, Apprentice Plumber Licensure
The Farm High School
Tristan Steele
Part Time
High School Diploma, Apprentice Plumber Licensure
Box Elder High School
Steven Sheridan
Part Time
GED, Apprentice Plumber Licensure
Utah State Board of Education
Cole Williams
Part Time
High School Diploma, Apprentice Plumber Licensure
Spanish Fork High School
Employee photo Cameron Thiel
Cameron Thiel
Part Time
High School Diploma, Plumbing Apprenticeship Licensure
Clearfield High School, Ogden-Weber Technical College
Image of Collin Howard, Instructor
Collin Howard
Part Time
Associate of Science, Journeyman Plumber Licensure
Snow College
Lynda Middlebrook, Program Coordinator
Full Time
Bachelor of Science in Nursing, Master of Science in Nursing Education, RN Licensure
Brigham Young University - ID, Western Governors University
Jenniffer Jensen
Full Time
Bachelor of Science in Nursing, Master of Science in Nursing, RN Licensure
Weber State University, Mountainland Technical College
Tianne Pierce, Clinical Coordinator
Full Time
Bachelor of Science in Nursing, RN Licensure
Utah Valley University
JuLaine Jolley
Full Time
Bachelor of Science in Nursing, RN Licensure
Western Governors University, Utah Valley State College
Image of Marsha Cox, Instructor
Marsha Cox
Full Time
Bachelor of Science, Master of Science in Nursing Leadership and Management, RN Licensure
Westminster College, Western Governors University
Jake Hutchings
Part Time
Bachelor of Science in Nursing, Master of Science in Nursing, RN Licensure
Weber State University
Lindsey Butler
Part Time
Bachelor of Science in Nursing, RN Licensure
Dixie State University, Utah State University
Samuel Ripplinger, Program Lead
Full Time
High School Diploma, QA Bootcamp Certification
Copper Hills High School, Dev Mountain
Katie Hong, Program Coordinator
Full Time
Bachelor of Science in Radiographic Science, Radiologic Technologist Licensure
Idaho State University
Renika French
Full Time
Associate of Applied Science in Radiologic Technology, Radiologic Technologist Licensure, Computed Tomography Licensure
Howard Community College
Elizabeth Sands
Part Time
Associate of Science in Radiologic Technology, Radiologic Technologist Licensure
Salt Lake Community College
Veronica Martinez, Program Lead
Full Time
High School Diploma, CRCST Certification
Willowbrook High School
Image of Sonia LeBaron, Instructor
Sonia LeBaron
Full Time
GED Diploma, CRCST Certification
Arizona High School, Mountainland Technical College
Image of Sasha King, Program Coordinator
Sasha King, Program Coordinator
Full Time
Associate of Science and Art in Health and Education, Associate of Occupational Studies in Surgical Technology, CST Certification
Brigham Young University - ID, Stevens-Henagar College
Christine Stephens
Full Time
High School Diploma, Surgical Technologist Certification
Lehi High School, AmeriTech College
Steven Cooke
Full Time
Associate of Science in Surgical Technology, Surgical Technologist Certification
San Joaquin Valley College
Mike Adam
Full Time
Associate of Science in General Studies, Surgical Technologist Certification
Salt Lake Community College
Kristen Davis
Full Time
High School Diploma, Surgical Technologist Certification
Timpanogos High School, AmeriTech College
Jessica Tobian
Full Time
High School Diploma, Surgical Technologist Certification
Lone Peak High School
Images of Robert Mechling, Instructor
Robert Mechling
Part Time
High School Diploma, Surgical Technologist Certification
Sahuarita High School, Mountainland Technical College
Jason Faga, Senior Program Coordinator
Full Time
Bachelor of Science
Brigham Young University - Hawaii
Adrien Donat
Part Time
Bachelor of Science in Psychology
Utah Valley University
Brett Michaelis
Part Time
Bachelor of Science in Information Systems
Utah Valley University
Bryce Groesbeck
Part Time
Bachelor of Science in Behavioral Science
Utah Valley University
Clint Pedersen
Part Time
General Education Diploma, AWS Cloud Practitioner Certification
Timpanogos High School
Curtis Dalton
Part Time
Bachelor of Science in Computer Science
Brigham Young University
Employee photo Mario Garcia
Mario Garcia
Part Time
Bachelor of Science in Computer Science
Brigham Young University
Employee photo Paul Raffensparger
Paul Raffensparger
Part Time
High School Diploma, CSPO and CSM Certification
Orem High School
Thomas Chan
Part Time
Master of Science in Computer Science
Brigham Young University
Todd Hale
Part Time
Bachelor of Science in Computer Science
Brigham Young University
Employee photo Trent Ross
Trenton Ross
Part Time
Bachelor of Science in Digital Media
Utah Valley University
Chase Spencer
Part Time
Master of Science in Information Systems
University of Utah
Employee photo Megan Muirhead
Megan Muirhead
Part Time
General Education Diploma, Web Programming & Development Certificate
Mountainland Technical College
Scott Blanch
Part Time
Bachelor of Science in Bioinformatics
Brigham Young University
Izac Peterson
Part Time
High School Diploma, Web Development Certification
Lehi High School, Mountainland Technical College
Aaron Becar
Part Time
Bachelor of Science, Master of Science in Information Systems
Brigham Young University - Hawaii, Hawai'i Pacific University
Hunter Reynolds, Program Coordinator
Full Time
High School Diploma, CWI and CWE Certification, Welding Technology Certification
Lehi High School, Mountainland Technical College
Anthony Hicks
Full Time
High School Diploma, NSC Lift Truck Operator Training, Welding Technology Certification
Riverton High School, Mountainland Technical College
Fernando Rivero-Saenz
Full Time
General Education Diploma, Welding Technology Certification
State of Utah, Mountainland Technical College
Taylor McDaniel
Full Time
High School Diploma, Welding Technology Certification
Payson High School, Mountainland Technical College
Employee photo Taylor Smith
Taylor Smith
Full Time
High School Diploma, Gas Tungsten Arc Welding Certification, Shielded Metal Arc Welding Certification, Welding Technology Certification
American Fork High School, Mountainland Applied Technology College
Madilyn Sperry
Full Time
High School Diploma, AWS Welding Certification
Frank Cox High School, Mountainland Technical College
Image of Dylan Pearson, Instructor
Dylan Pearson
Full Time
High School Diploma, FCAW Certification, GTAW Certification, SMAW Certification
Lehi High School, Mountainland Technical College
Brody Angell
Full Time
High School Diploma, Welding Technology I Certification, FCAW and SMAW Qualification
South Summit High School, Mountainland Technical College
Marshall Bloomfield
Full Time
High School Diploma, Welding Technology Certification
Cedar Valley High School, Mountainland Technical College