Instructor: Barry Phillips | 9 AM - 12 PM | August 9th, August 23rd | In-person at MTECH
About the training
The 3-hour training session is a stand-alone module. While we recommend you attend all four sessions, if you miss a class, please feel free to participate in the others. This course was developed to provide real-world skills for all those that manage or lead others. These are all skills you are expected to know once you are placed in a leadership role, yet you often do not have the ability to do so. Below are the key learning points of each training course.
Team Development/Conflict Resolution - Wednesday, August 9th
- Building effective teams
- Motivating teams
- Group Dynamics
- Group norms
- Group environment
- Inclusion
- Conflict Resolution
- Finding the root cause
- Team ground rules
- Consensus building
- De-escalation techniques
Micromanagement/Delegation - Wednesday, August 23rd
- Is loosening the reins losing control?
- Are you a micromanager?
- Pitfalls of micromanagement
- Identifying your strengths and weaknesses
- Three elements of delegation
- Responsibility
- Authority
- Accountability
- Effective delegation techniques
- Getting buy-in
About the Instructor:
Barry Phillips is an engaging trainer, presenter, and leading expert in helping turn people into effective leaders, positive communicators, and workers. Barry is the author of the book Caught in the Headlights – 10 Lessons Learned the Hard Way and Out of the Ooze – Leaderships that Spans the Abyss of Corporate Mediocrity. He has given hundreds of presentations and trainings and
has taught tens of thousands of professionals across the globe. Barry has been President/CEO four times and has served as CMO, CIO, COO, and CRO. His clients include VISA, HP, Young Living, SUSE, Ernst & Young, Brian Head Resort, Kenworth Sales, and many
While Barry does love speaking, teaching, and inspiring others, he loves his wife, kids, and grandkids more. They live in Saratoga Springs, Utah.
The published price is $160 per person/class. Custom Fit Price is $96 per person/class.
To register, go to:
For more information, contact:
- Grace Martin: 801-753-4276
- Kathie Leany: 801-753-4259
- Jace Woolstenhulme: 801-753-4273