March 12-14 | July 9-11
9:00 am – 11:00 am each day via Zoom
Keep them on board when you rock the boat.
The number one reason why projects and initiatives fail is because people aren't bought into
the change. You may have great ideas and solutions for the future, but unless you get others
on board, you will remain stuck in the current state. This practical training will help you learn
and apply step-by-step methods for successfully effecting change within your organization.
Learning Objectives:
- Articulate why change management drives successful business outcomes.
- Identify a change management methodology.
- Apply change management tools to a project.
Materials Included: Change Management Tools
The published price is $499.00 per person. Custom Fit Price is $249.50.00 per person.
To register, go to:
(Please include employee email addresses on the Training Agreement.)
For more information, contact:
- Sam Tschappat 801-753-4257
- Kathie Leany 801-753-4259
- Grace Martin 801-753-4276