We are pleased to announce that Mountainland Applied Technology College (MATC) has become Mountainland Technical College (MTECH). In the 2017 Legislative Session, Senate Bill 238 was passed, renaming the Utah College of Applied Technology (UCAT) to the Utah System of Technical Colleges USTC). All colleges under UCAT oversight became technical colleges. With these recent changes, effective July 1, 2017, MATC will now be known as Mountainland Technical College or MTECH.
Despite these changes MTECH will continue to serve our community, dedicated to our mission, “to improve the quality of life in the Mountainland community by enhancing the employability of individuals through market-driven career and technical education.” We achieve these goals by contributing over 50 skill based programs that have a 92% job placement average after graduation. We strive to provide an affordable education to our community by offering low tuition costs, which has resulted in 98% of our MTECH students graduating with no educational debt. In addition to our low tuition costs, we offer free tuition to high school students to help them get a jump start on their future. We would like to thank all of our supporters who have worked to make MTECH the foundation of learning it is today, and extend an invitation to all to discover what MTECH has to offer.