Clay Christensen UACTE Administrator of the Year

Utah Association of Career and Technical Education (UACTE) awarded Clay Christensen as the Administrator of the Year. The award recognizes administrators for the work they have done to support career and technical education in Utah. Clay was also awarded the Carl Perkins Community Service Award for his outstanding service to the community. Prior to coming to MTECH, Clay had extensive experience in education. He began teaching Agriculture and Welding at both Uintah and Lehi High Schools. After eight years of teaching, he worked at the State Office of Education as the Agriculture Specialist and FFA Advisor. Continuing with his love for career and technical education and the Mountainland Region, he worked for twelve years as the CTE Director for Alpine School District. During his tenure at Alpine, he helped facilitate the opening of Lone Peak and Timpanogos High Schools. For the past ten years, Clay has been the President of Mountainland Technical College. He has directed STEM education and industry validated training for area high school and adult students. Under his leadership, the college has doubled in size. He also led the way when MTECH secured funding for a new 100,000 square foot campus at Thanksgiving Point, and a complete remodel of the Orem Campus. Clay is passionate about student success and about the local economy. He leads the way to help MTECH fulfill its mission to “Improve the quality of life in the Mountainland community by enhancing the employability of individuals through market-driven career and technical education.” Clay is also a witness of the growth that the Mountainland Region has experienced. He says, “We moved here in 1982 to teach school at Lehi High and we only had 600 students in four grades.” That number has now grown to multiple high schools with graduating classes of over 600 students. He says, “I’ve enjoyed seeing the growth of local education.” Mountainland Technical College is the provider of career and technical education in the Mountainland Region. Offering over 50 different career paths, the school focuses on education and skills that are employable. Last year, the college placed 87 percent of its students in a job. MTECH is proud to have Clay as its leader.
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Published on: 2016/03/01 at 2:02 pm