MTECH and 5.12 Foundation Fight Hunger

For over 13 million kids in this country, going to school hungry is the norm. One in five children in the United States live in food insecure households, which means they lack consistent access to enough food. Sometimes the lunch they get at school is all they might get and going home over the weekend can mean that for many students they don’t get enough to eat until they come back to school on Monday. Many people do not realize that Utah County has elementary school students who do not get enough to eat over the weekend. The 5.12 Foundation has made it their purpose to prevent this from happening. Over the past few weeks, Mountainland Technical College, or MTECH, has been collecting donations to help support this cause. This past week MTECH delivered its donations to the 5.12 Foundation.  Employees of MTECH along with family and friends were also able to volunteer their time and efforts to support the 5.12 Foundation by helping to pack over 1,300 weekend meals for elementary school students right here in Utah County. We’d like to extend a huge thank you to our generous employees and their families, and to the Five.12 Foundation for the important work they are doing. If you would like to offer help for this worthy cause please contact the 5.12 Foundation to volunteer. 5.12 Logo
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Published on: 2018/10/11 at 8:27 am