MTECH Health Fair

Mountainland Technical College hosted a local healthcare occupations fair. The event was organized by Career Pathways. It gave students exposure to the different educational and career options in healthcare. The event is held annually in order to help students decide on their future career paths. Over 500 students from local high schools and MTECH participated in the event. The day was separated into different sections so that students could learn from various professions throughout the day. Local health professionals came to speak on careers such as surgery, labor and delivery, imaging, anesthesiology, and many more. This gave students a glimpse into the real world of healthcare. Tristen Yates, an MTECH student said, “I attended the dental class, it was a fantastic experience! It really opened my mind to all the different fields in dentistry.” One of the pathway classes that students could attend was nursing. MTECH’s very own Tara Peters and Marlece Anderson instructed students on the daily tasks of nursing. Peters said, “Students were terrific, they asked great questions.” Peters also noted that it was great to have both Practical Nurse and Nurse Assistant Instructors there for students. She said, “It was great for the students because they could see the entire career path from CNA to RN.” Mountainland Technical College is a pillar in the local healthcare community. Every year the school places hundreds of graduates in healthcare jobs. Programs such as Medical and Dental Assistant, Surgical Technology, Nursing, Phlebotomy, and many more are offered. Last year the job placement rate was 86. Percent. MTECH is proud to produce some of the best healthcare professionals in the Mountainland Region.
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Published on: 2015/12/17 at 12:37 pm