MTECH Graduation Ceremony Summer 2015

Mountainland Technical College recognized its graduates by holding its tri-annual Recognition Ceremony.  The ceremony celebrates students who have earned specific certificates and licensures through hands-on training at MTECH.  The graduating class of over 370 students at the ceremony is evidence of the growth that MTECH has experienced in the past few years. The event was held at Mountain View High School in Orem.  Graduates were recognized for completing programs of study in areas such as:  Business, Computer Systems, Digital Media, Health Care, Manufacturing, Service Trades, and Transportation.  The graduates were recognized in front of family, friends, and peers. Those in attendance were able to hear from Jared Ferguson, Career and Technical Education Director for Provo School District.  He highlighted the benefit that technical education and training is to society.  He said, “Career and Technical Education helps students focus on their own personal mission statement in life.” Holly Peterson, Vice President of Instruction at MTECH, read the names of graduates as they walked across the stage.  The student’s sense of accomplishment was evident by the huge smiles they gave after walking across the stage.  Lucia Madrid, a Dental Assistant graduate and student speaker at the Ceremony, said, “Coming to MTECH gave me and my family a bright future.” MTECH is recognized as the leader in technical training for the Mountainland Region’s job market.  Since 1989, students have graduated with certificates and licensures geared to help them obtain a valuable career.  Last year, 96 percent of MTECH students were licensed in their field of study.  Of those 96 percent, 86 percent obtained employment immediately upon completion of their program.  MTECH looks forward to building value to Utah Valley and fulfilling its mission to supply the local labor market with skilled workers.  The school extends a warm congratulations to the August 2015 graduates.
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Published on: 2015/09/02 at 11:24 am