MTECH 2015 Annual Employee Christmas Party

Mountainland Technical College held its annual Employee Christmas Social on December 15th at its Thanksgiving Point Campus. The enjoyable evening consisted of a prime rib dinner as well as prize giveaways. Over 250 employees from all three campuses were in attendance, making it the largest the event has ever been. Mark Middlebrook, Director of Marketing, commented on the growth he has seen at the Employee Christmas Social over his eleven year span at MTECH. Middlebrook said, “When I first started here we had around 60 employees at our Christmas social. Now, with 267 employees, it’s incredible to see the growth that has taken place.” This continual increase in employees is a reflection of the high demand for technical education in Utah County. MTECH knows this kind of event helps to build stronger comradery within the MTECH family. The employees can work together as a team to fulfill the mission of MTECH, which is, “to improve the quality of life in the Mountainland community by enhancing the employability of individuals through market-driven career and technical education.” MTECH has seen an enhancement of the employability of their students with an 86 percent job placement rate last year. On behalf of MTECH, we would like to extend a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all.
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Published on: 2015/12/17 at 12:55 pm