EMT Students Help At Local Race

Amphibious Medics employed graduates of Mountainland Technical College’s EMT program to operate a medical station at the Spartan Race.  This event was held in Midway, Utah on June 27, 2015.  The graduates were able to help give aide to runners and participants of the event.  MTECH’s EMT program prepares students for various health situations by providing hands-on training in class. Spartan Races are some of the most physically taxing of their kind.  Participants race in mud boats, uphill and downhill climbs, rugged terrain, rope swings, and gauntlets.  The demanding exertion causes many participants to need medical attention and help.  MTECH’s EMT team was able to provide first-aid care as they helped runners hydrate, stretch, and with any incidental injuries. EMT Instructor SuAnn Bird said, “We handled mostly heat related issues due to the high temperature”.  In addition to the heat injuries, Bird said that they helped with bandages, and ankle and shoulder injuries.  The Spartan Race officially thanked MTECH for its service at the medical station. MTECH’s EMT program is the best in the state.  The program has a 100 percent licensure rate for its graduates, as well as an 84 percent job placement rate.  The curriculum emphasizes career-ready skills and training, which make students more employable with ambulance teams, hospitals, and Para medicine. Learn more about our EMT program!
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Published on: 2015/07/15 at 1:46 pm