April 22-24 | Septemeber 23-25
9:00 am – 11:00 am each day via Zoom
Discover your superpower.
There are things you do naturally to get things done, influence others, build relationships, and think. These behaviors are automatic and can become a strength when accurately applied. Discover how to leverage your Top 5 CliftonStrengths® and manage your weaknesses. Take the path of least resistance and most potential to get the best results on the job.
Learning Objectives:
• Discover your Top 5 CliftonStrengths®.
• Celebrate your strengths and unique contributions.
• Identify talents that may be over-used or misunderstood.
• Develop a strategy for leveraging your strengths.
The published price is $599.00 per person. Custom Fit Price is $359.40 per person.
To register, go to: https://submit.jotform.com/242065677738165
(Please include employee email addresses on the Training Agreement.)
Or reach out to your Custom Fit contact:
- Tini Mapu: 801-753-4257
- Kathie Leany 801-753-4259
- Grace Martin-Ross 801-753-4276