Applications currently Open

Thank you for your interest in the Web Programming & Development Program.

Prerequisites before applying

  • Take the entrance assessment
    Take and pass the MTECH Entrance Assessment in Math and Reading with a minimum score of 4. The higher the score the better. To waive the assessment, please check with the Testing Center team. Learn more about this assessment.

  • Math requirement – Complete one of the following:
  • Score of 5 on MTECH Entrance Assessment
  • Accuplacer: 50+
  • High School transcript with B or higher in Secondary II Math courses
  • College transcript with B or higher in Math 1010
  • ACT Math: 21+
  • English requirement – Complete one of the following:
  • Score of 5 on MTECH Entrance Assessment
  • Accuplacer: 65+
  • High School transcript with B or higher in English 10 courses
  • College transcript with B or higher in English 1010
  • ACT English or Reading: 21+
  • Complete Intro to Web Development Course or Competency Test
    Successfully complete and pass the Introduction to Web Development prerequisite course with 100% or better. Alternatively, students with prior programming and educational backgrounds have the option to either take the Web Programming and Development Competency Exam at the MTECH Testing Center or complete the following Codecademy courses: Learn Command Line, Learn Git & GitHub, Learn HTML, Learn CSS, and Learn JavaScript to exempt themselves from the prerequisite requirement. It’s important to note that only one attempt is allowed for the Competency Exam. If the exam is not passed with a score of 80% or higher, prospective applicants must enroll in and successfully complete the Introduction to Web Development course before the application deadline.

How to apply

  1. Complete the above prerequisites 1-4.
  2. Submit web application
How to prepare for the Introduction to Web Development competency test:
To prepare for the Introduction to Web Development competency test, students have 4 hours to complete the challenge with a score of 80% or better. There will be no retake exam if the student scores below the minimum requirement. We recommend studying HTML, CSS, and JavaScript using the W3Schools, and MDN Web Docs - Mozilla website.

Applying to the program

Take the Web Programming & Development Assessment

Applicants must take and pass the Web Development and Programming Assessment (3 hours) with a score of 80% or above. The link is listed above and will also be provided by the MTECH Testing Center team.

Any additional questions? Please contact the Program Coordinator.
Square photo of employee Jason Faga
Jason Faga
