February 11-13
9:00 am – 11:00 am each day via Zoom
Decision-making made simple.
Discover a framework that brings focus and structure to making decisions or moving forward. Discover the three stages in the decision-making process and learn to go through them systematically. Help yourself get unstuck and coach others to do the same.
Learning Objectives:
• Discover reasons why we get stuck.
• Explore and apply a 3-step decision-making model.
• Practice helping others get unstuck and move forward through coaching.
The published price is $599.00 per person. Custom Fit Price is $359.40 per person.
To register, go to: https://submit.jotform.com/242065677738165
(Please include employee email addresses on the Training Agreement.)
Or reach out to your Custom Fit contact:
- Tini Mapu: 801-753-4257
- Kathie Leany 801-753-4259
- Grace Martin-Ross 801-753-4276